
Sunday, 12 February 2017

Happy 2017!! #betterlatethannever

Ok, so it's been a while and firstly I'd like to wish everyone of your beautiful souls a very Happy 2017!!

I have spent the past 2 months in India (then another 3 weeks in Thailand), completing the Advanced 500hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course at the Atri Yoga Centre in Rishikesh.

After what some might call a rather traumatic year for me, I decided to release my fears and follow my dreams...
Now as someone who has attended say 5 Yoga sessions and 3 of those being Hot Bikram Yoga in the past 2 years, what brought me to the idea of wanting to teach?
Well, due to my spiritual re-awakening, life has changed dramatically and I was unsure in which direction to take in order to find out more information about the various routes & people of a similar mindset out there available to me...

As a person who has had visions during their meditations, I thought this might be a direction to go in and as much as I had been invited to DMT sessions back home, something wasn't feeling right for me to attend and I am quite particular to listening to my instinct and inner-self right now, so when I looked into which course to attend, it felt right and after contacting around 6 schools, it was after communication with a kind soul called Harish, which assured me I was on the right path.
I'd like to call myself a seasoned traveller, as someone who has had the bug for quite a while, but nothing prepared me for when I first arrived at Delhi airport- it was a complete assault on the senses- the noise, smells, the dense and polluted fog-like filled air and the sticky, dry heat -this was somewhere I've never been before!

Anyho, once I arrived at Dehradun, which was somewhat calmer and slightly more quieter, I got into a taxi which took me into Rishikesh. 
Cows and Monkeys roamed the streets freely- I thought I was seeing things due to jet-lag at first ha! Little did I know, this was a beautiful everyday occurrence in India.
Life in India and very special and unique side of it too.
Harish was there with the biggest smile to greet me, as I had arrived a few days earlier to adjust to the time and settle in. 
On entry to the guesthouse, it was very basic and dirty in parts, but I thought to myself "this is a part of Karmic Yoga and will be my home for 2 months, so I'll have to get used to it." With that, I went out and brought some cleaning products and started scrubbing away.

A couple of days later another course mate joined me and within the next 3 days the 2 of us had become 11 classmates in total.
Now for me- being a people person- this was one of the best parts for me. People are my passion and I often like to do nothing better than sit and people watch, as beings, I find us fascinating. 

Guys & gals from Israel, Spain, Columbia, Bulgaria/Ireland, Canada/Malta, France, Ukraine and -of course- the UK were united together as one to partake in this adventure of knowledge.
It was great to be in such a diverse class, with people from all age groups- which truly goes to show- YOGA IS FOR EVERYONE! ๐Ÿ˜†

A typical day in the life of the course started with meditation at 6am Monday - Saturday. Followed by nasal cleansing with a netti pot, then into Om Shanti prayer, practising Pranayama (breathing techniques) & Ashtanga sequence. Breakfast followed by some disgestion time before Philosophy &  Alignment classes commenced. Lunch & a chance to revise or catch some rays/rest, then Anatomy & Physiology followed by Hatha class with the brilliant Deepika into the evening.
As someone who had never previously attended classes in these styles of yoga before & teaches cardio, I can say I truly loved them- Ashtanga especially!! 
I am grateful to what Hatha gave me too as it's more strength based & I feel physically stronger for it. 

The third time I attempted Shirshasana (headstand) against the wall.
Being the curviest in the group, I was determined to keep my focus within to perform asanas to the best of my abilities.

Over the 2 months, we encouraged & supported one another & I was blessed to have made some beautifully genuine connections whilst I was there.

And no way would I say it was easier than I thought, we all felt our muscles ache, butt pain (between holding asanas and the stair climbing!), sweated buckets and -in parts- cried tears of laughter, frustration, relief and happiness.
Month 2 saw a lady come to join us on the 300hrs course ad 3 ladies and a gent come to begin their 200hrs course - parts of the practical training was joint with ours.
I was sad to see some of the previous crew go, but soon began to enjoy the new injection of energy and love which surrounded us. I also became closer with the gals and guys who were remaining on the course. 
We learnt more about asanas, pranayamas, further philosophy, yoga nidra, kundalini rising techniques and yoga therapies - all of which I found highly fascinating, there is no end to the knowledge of yoga - which I adore!!

We visited & were blessed at temples, meditated in caves, bathed in the Holy River Ganga, explored the area & pulled asanas in some spectacular scenery. ๐Ÿ˜ 

We learnt about the Yogi lifestyle, the body, how it works & how to apply yoga into an everyday practice due to the brilliance of what it does to keep the spine & body limber, stronger & to destress in order to live a longer, fulfilled life.
Through meditation we learnt how to focus the mind on being still in order to receive peace of mind & gain further knowledge of ourselves from within.

Unbeknownst to me, I didn't realise how much yoga can both keep illness at bay, along with curing many common diseases. Something the Western world doesn't seem to have taken back...could it be because if more people knew how to cure themselves for free through the practice of yoga and correct breathing and eating habits it would do the pharmaceutical companies out of pocket (the largest profitable economy on the planet), along with helping people to live longer, more happier who would want that huh?? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

The beauty of Yoga compared to other types of fitness that I both discovered and taught is, when performed correctly, it cannot damage the body, increases strength, gives resistance to illness and we don't have to get it perfect each time...which teaches us about the beauty of life, that it isn't perfect and there's no pressure to get it right, just to be the best we can be each time we positions ourselves onto an asana.

We learn to release the ego and know it does not belong to us, it's merely a part of the conditioning that we have all been taught.

It is a practice, which means the practice is where we develop on what we have learnt, then create shapes , transform and control our bodies into stunning positions of encourages us to be completely in the present and we're able to focus within.

In a world currently with increasing stress levels, it is the perfect antidote to induce a state of calm.

I now practice Yoga regularly can bend and twist my body further than I have done before. 

Yoga is a beautiful art-form I never expected to fall in love with, but I have...deeply...along with making genuine friendships with many of the wonderful souls I got the pleasure of meeting- you girls and guys know who you are, thank you for supporting me and know that I love you!! ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜™
Receiving my blessings from Harish, Deepika and Maria at the ceremony for the Advanced 500hrs Yoga Teacher Training qualification.
WE DID IT!!! :-D <3 

If anyone is looking into completing the 200, 300 or 500 hour courses in Rishikesh, then Atri Yoga Centre is place you should give serious consideration too.

I have always been determined and fearless...I guess this experience has enforced within me that anything is possible and the World truly is my Oyster and I look forward to discovering what else the Universe's energies have in store for me along with feeling and know I can achieve anything I want to if I put my mind to it and SO CAN YOU!! ๐Ÿ’šโ˜‰๐Ÿ’ƒ

Namastรฉ you beautiful souls,

Sunshine Xx

Friday, 20 May 2016

Mental?! No! My Health's Fine...

So it's been a while since I've been here, but I felt the need to express my mind...

The other morning on the way to work and in particular a Mental Health and Wellbeing event, I experienced what is known as stigma towards a young black man on the Tube,

I could not hear what was going on, as had headphones in listening to music and was distracted from the book I was reading, but it was the slightest
glance up and the reaction and vibrations I felt from other passengers, that made me put my book down to focus on what was going.
The guy in question was asking an old Jamaican guy sitting next to me if he could move and let him sit there, the Jamaican guy - not realising this man was a mental health patient - then started speaking back loudly saying he wouldn't move.

I took an earpiece out to let them know he was a mental health patient, but the elderly man did not care and was being defiant about not moving.

The reason I knew this guy had a mental health disability, was only because I had seen the same guy a couple of weeks prior to this, on a fairly empty tube standing by the doors and shouting at them in transit.

I looked at the young man, offered him my seat...he said no, he wanted the elderly man's seat next to me, the elderly man was getting angrier, I then stood up, politely pointed to my seat and suggested the guy to sit there...he sat on the edge, looking afraid of everyone else starring at him around him...
Within 3 minutes said same guy stood up, walked towards me (I was now sitting diagonally opposite to where I previously was) and asked the lady next to me if he could sit in her seat, which happened to be on the left side of me.
The young lady (having been witness to everything that had happened) stood up and allowed the guy to sit down. He took his coat off, finally relaxed, then rested his hand towards the side between us. He remained relaxed, quiet and calm even after I got off at my stop...which goes to show he just wanted to feel comfortable around someone's energy - makes me feel he must have felt threatened by those around him and that is incredibly sad, as we are all people with feelings...

Anyone getting on the tube afterwards would never have known the commotion that was going on, but it made me think, of all the Disabilities, there is no badge or physical sign for those with mental health issues, bearing in mind the MAJORITY OF US have either have had some form of experience whether it be PERSONALLY or whether it's SOMEONE WE KNOW AND /OR LOVE.

Why in 2016, is this subject STILL SO TABOO?
In a world where sex advertises regularly on TV, where murder is shown on the news to scaremonger, where drugs are open to everyone, but many people are still afraid to speak up about mental health?!?!

So the next time you're out and about and see someone talking loudly to themselves or acting strangely, how about doing something different, like showing some love and compassion instead of steering away and laughing...

Because you never know one day, that person could be someone you know or even you...

'Til Next Time,

Sunshine Xx

Friday, 26 February 2016

Empowerment - The Gift We Should ALL Be Giving.

So it was recently after meeting another random soul along my travels, they brought it to my attention that the traits I possess and have always had, are not naturally encompassed by all.

I have always been an empathetic person, from as far back as I can remember and aware of people and my surroundings, but I find it hard to understand why everybody isn't..?
I mean, it's really not that hard to keep an eye out for people...

Why is it easier for people to knock others down, instead of building them up and encouraging them to be the best they can be..?
It's becoming more and more apparent with people from what I am witnessing around me.

I am luck to be blessed with a loving network around me, who inspire me as much as I do them, but if we all took the time to do this, then it would encourage people to feel better about themselves and start building confidence from within and it's the core which we all need to continuously work on.

This also crosses over into class divides too, seems the higher class of person is respected and treated better than the working class, but WHY?

It appears that if people start progressing and thinking they have the abilities to follow their dreams, it is frowned upon and that people start getting "above their stations" just because they have the determination to live a life more content.

Do people do this because they are scared if someone has higher self-esteem they will progress further than the next person?
So what if they do?!?
Have you ever thought to yourself...if they are your true friends, they would be accompanying you on the journey to a better life anyway...or perhaps the question should be, are these people really your friends?

And what is it within ourselves that makes many of us afraid to break the chain of negative thinking? 
Yes it is hard, yes it is a struggle and for some of us, it's all we know from our life's trials and tribulations and the way we are raised...
But when we start changing this self-demeaning habits, life begins to turn around into may positives, it's a lot easier and happier living with a positive mindset, than a negative,"it's never going to happen for me" one. 
But it's all about re-training our brains to believe that WE ARE ALL WORTH IT, WE CAN DO IT AND ACHIEVE WITH IT!!

It's then UP TO US to spread the word to others to make us a POSITIVE GROUP COLLECTIVE of MAJORITY.
Prime examples in the news recently have been Will Smith boycotting the Oscars and Beyonce's Performance at the Superbowl - it is so refreshing to see people who have positions in power trying to make a statement for others, as it done with heart, yes it may bring them more attention as a result, but they included in the message they are trying to communicate.

I have opened doors and encouraged many people, often without a thank you, but I do not do it to be thanked...
I love nothing more than planting seeds, observing people as they evolve and grow confidence within themselves to realise their own abilities then watching them fly!!

I - and many other inspiring people I have a the honor of knowing - are proof that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
Ask the Universe it will guide, direct and show you the way...sometimes along the way you then discover it's not what you wanted and then it might take you into a different direction, which is usually considered by others to be the harder road but more often than not an immense amount more fun to travel down!

The people in my life know the dream is to create empowerment to strengthen Communities and I have already made steps to do this and plan a bigger impact, but in the meanwhile I will use my posts as a tool to sound the Trumpet and celebrate the awe-inspiring projects, ceremonies, the small businesses and music functions coming your way, the unknown unsung Warriors and Angels who are bringing light and love to the environment around them.
In the meantime when you're out and about and you notice something great happening or somebody doing something magical - tell them!

If you think a friend has a talent they don't know about, make that suggestion you might have been holding back for really is that simple!

By empowering others, we also enrich ourselves with serotonin-like feelings, as you cannot help but feel great when you know deep in your heart you've done the right thing and turned someone else's day around and shone your light their way.

So if you do know if anything happening in your areas and would like me to feature you, please reach out and send me a message and I'll be more than happy to shower you with light and make your cause shine brighter!!

Monday, 8 February 2016

2016 - Welcome to the Year of the Monkey.

Here in lies today is the start of Year of the Red Monkey - Happy New Years to all my friends in Asia, here and across the World!!

The Monkey is known for being playful and quick witted, so with that in mind, I think it's going to be a fun year -regardless of it being thought of as one of the unluckiest for some - that does not mean us all!
There'll be a big celebration in Central London (usually Soho) this Sunday 14th Feb, which is the biggest outside of China, parade starts at 10am.

So it's already been a busy start to the year, what with Birthdays, a fab surprise weekend in Liverpool and some live band fun at Mardi Gras 7 Suns and BYOB were particular highlights @ Pop, Brixton.

I've noticed a lot of bars are now encompassing Sports, which I've been invited to, those being Plonk & Bar Kick in Hoxton and Bounce in Farringdon. 
I can highly recommend Plonk and Bar Kick for a get together, but I'm not yet sold on Bounce yet as it's more of a club vibe and I think a dance floor should be used for dancing, unless the DJ's aren't any good so they need to fill it for that purpose...

Anyho, back to the year ahead and it's already a goodie...

The end of this month will find me somewhere rather spiritual, but I'll report on that when I get there, as it's a surprise!!

Next month we find one of my favs it's it's my Earth day month, Easter and the official start of Spring and that means warmer weather - WHOOO HOOOO!!

I'm super excited that one of my funnest musical nights in the calendar just so happens to be on and will definitely be dancing my toes off at Deep Into Soul 5th Birthday Bash -Prince of Wales, Brixton, London- with the rest of my beautiful Birthday crew. 
Those tickets are nearly gone hardly surprising with a line-up like that?!?
I've included the link for them above, be fast and good luck with getting those and don't say I haven't warned you!!

Easter will see Black Coffee at the Electric Ballroom on a quest with his "We Dance Again", which I reckon will also be one for the memory bank!

There are quite a few bits in between and some great interviews coming up, but I'll instagram those along the way...

Hope to be seeing some of your exquisite dancing souls while out and about and here's to a Monkey Magic Year! ;)

Sunshine Xx

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

NYE LDN - What's A Girl To DO...?

Okay, so it's only 2 days until we see in 2016 (ooo errr...where has 2015 gone?!?), I am still undecided as to where to go, but thought I'd draw up a list of THE places in London to be at over the 2015 NY season. 
These are in no particular order as they're all fantastic, but I'm acting on the basis of if I was to go MIA in my hometown... (Missing In Action for those who don't know. ;-) )

1. For those who do't know there's a secret party going on from the Deep Into Soul family that night too...well it's no longer a secret now haha! 
With less than 50 tickets remaining for what (I personally believe) will be THE BEST WAY TO SEE IN 2016. 
If it's a hands in the air, dance all night family vibe affair you're after, THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE.
With musical delights by Rhemi Music - who are playing an exclusive 3 hour set (Oh Sirs you are really spoiling us!!) - along with Sy Sez and DIS favourites, a crowd who are always spot on with the vibe and where new comers are always welcomed into the fold, providing you bring a fun uplifting attitude along!! :-D

2. South Pole Saloon - Brixton's best creation of unused space as been given license to have a final farewell ball on NYE. Spacestation is holding court with secret guests, expect great food & drink, along with frolics from the Candy Cane Girls and Elf crewe, a definitely for those who want to stay closer to home in SE LDN.

3. NYD will have to be Ministry of Sound for Groove Odyssey where none other than Masters at Work, Bobby & Steve, Detroit Swindle, David Bailey & guests taking over for the night and if you click the link above & get there early it'll be free too!

Just want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all those who have had a nosey at & have stuck with my blog, those who have featured & encouraged my passion, including the magical souls who continue to inspire me everyday - you know who you are! 

Whatever you're planning on doing, be safe, dance and giggle the year away and I look forward to bringing you all more dancing, beaches, debauchery and travels in 2016... ;-)

See ya!!

Sunshine Xx

Friday, 4 December 2015

The South Pole Saloon - CAUTION: This Is A Lot Of Fun!

The latest fab "Pop up" to come into Brixton, over the festive season has to been The South Pole Saloon.
I was kindly invited to the Press Night and boy what a night it was!

This event is truly an adults playground, full of fun and debauchery - just how we like it!! 

On the approach to the Saloon I was greeted by an entrance which reminded me of Santa's grotto...which in turn got me excited and intrigued to find out what was about to commence next.

Now I'm a fan of Christmas, but not so much the cold, so the thought of being outside didn't initially appeal, but the fact that this event is in the ourdoors, gave it a more authentic feel and has been the one event which has got me into the Crimbo spirit!

I've chosen only a few pictures to feature, otherwise I think it'll spoil some of the surprises in store for you, but here is a taster of what to expect...

A fab DJ which catered for all musical tastes without being cheesy (a rarity!), naughty Elves and Candy Girls running around making mischief. 2 bar dedicated to making some seriously FAB cocktails, one of which specialises in Mr. JD for those who like it.

The South Pole Saloon entices all your senses with visuals, decor, food, drink and entertainment, the night I attended there was a brilliant acrobat show performed by a sensual burlesque-clad beauty, followed by a free-for-all on the dance floor!
Killer Cocktails! 

                                                            Yummy Scrummy Crust Conductor!                                                            &
For those who need a bite to eat onsite there are also local community businesses such as the Crust Conductor, Butchies & the Pastry Girls who will satisfy you with their tasty morsels...
Enquire at: for more details. :-)

They also have 3 themed Booths: Candy Parlour, Rebel's Den and Snowman's Land that can be hired if you and family/ friends want to cause even more mayhem! 
For those of you who might like to meet at the weekend they also have a Bottomless Brunch going on every Saturday for a bargain ยฃ30, where you can choose food from one of the vendors on site and enjoy unlimited bubbles and Bloody Marys, I'd be rude not to right? ;-)

What makes The South Pole Saloon different is that is doesn't feel like it's trying to hard like some other Winter Festival I've attended, it's not contrived or pretentious. It has a fun laid-back vibe to begin with, which rounds up like a party with new found friends by the end!

So if you fancy spending some time in an adult's version of a Winter Wonderland ;-), get your butts over there as you've only got until Wednesday 23rd December before it's gone!

Sunshine Xx

Friday, 30 October 2015

Back 4 Love - A Night In Disco House Heaven.

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending 'A Night at Studio 54' hosted by BACK 4 LOVE, which was held @ Qube Project, London.

Not sure of what to expect and haven't been to the Qube Project since it's refurb from formerly being Pacha, I brought some friends along for a long overdue night out.

I was greeted by a smiling face Pej, who welcomed us to his night and within no time got into the swing of some great disco & house music, in short, we were in our dancing element!

Highlights of the night included a sets from Studio 54 DJ himself Kenny Carpenter, Neil Pierce from Rhemi Music and Paul Trouble Anderson and a fab live PA sung by Oliver Night who sang 'You Got To' & 'All My People' brought to us from the House of Funk, which kinda shows you the high calibre of music which was played.

The crowd was lovely, a mixture of ages, people had travelled in from all over but everyone had a friendly and approachable vibe, which also added to a great night, it seemed like no time at all the lights came on and that shows what a good time we had!

You can catch the next Back 4 Love night at Club 20 in Reading on Saturday 7th November with house music officiado Grant Nelson which will be unmissable!
The link for tickets via the FB page is above, you have just over a week to get your tickets!!

If you love great music with equally fun vibes, then BACK 4 LOVE is the place for you. :D

Wishing you all a great weekend! 

Sunshine Xx